Vouchers are the "coupon" included in some account purchases or monthly subscriptions.
Credits via Vouchers are not applied to your account automatically.
Depending on the package you purchased, and if there were any bonuses offered at the time, you are eligible to request those credits be added to your account by claiming the voucher.
You will need to claim your vouchers monthly by using the "Claim Monthly Vouchers" link on the DFY Services Menu or your account home page. For more help on claiming your vouchers please click here.
Requests will be manually verified to secure against duplicate requests and will be applied to your account within 24 business hours.
You will not receive additional confirmation when the credits are applied, please check your account at portal.voicedrops.net
If you wish to receive recurring credit vouchers you must be have a current and active Voice Drops Account Monthly Subscription. You will have to complete your purchase of a Subscription before you will be able to access the Monthly Credit request Voucher page in the membership site.
It is very important to note that monthly credit vouchers are not the same as purchased credits.
Credits are a real hard cost we incur. To keep costs at a minimum for our members we implement the Credit Voucher policy wherein credits are only applied to user's accounts when 1) purchased or 2) claimed via voucher.
Your monthly subscription pays for your software access and DFY Services. With your monthly subscription you receive a voucher that can be redeemed for credits (if applicable to your membership level). Your monthly subscription is not a recurring purchase of RVM or Landline Credits.
We understand that this poses an inconvenience to some of our users and some have requested that we do away with the voucher policy. It has been determined that doing so would be cost prohibitive and as such we will not terminate the voucher policy, nor will we be automatically applying credits to users accounts monthly.