Facebook Groups

The links to our Facebook groups are private and for members only, as such they are provided inside the member's area of the individual products.

You must be an active and current member in each group to remain in the Facebook Group.

If at any time you can not access a group that you are a current active member of, please open a ticket and tell us 

1) The group you should be in

2) Your user name (email address) for the membership site or product

3) Your Paypal email address

Our support staff will verify your membership and add you to the group by sending you an invitation to your registered email address via Facebook. We will send you a confirmation when then has been completed so you can locate your Facebook invitation.

Many of these groups are set to "Secret" Privacy and will appear as though they do not exist in Facebook if you are not a member. If you click any link below and Facebook give you an error stating "This Page Does Not Exist" it is only because you aren't a member of the group yet. 


You must be a current member to participate in the Facebook group. Payment failure will result in immediate suspension of access to all corresponding Facebook groups. You will be reinstated to the group upon successful completion of your payment. If you feel you've been suspended or removed from the group in error please contact support. 

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