User IDs and Passwords

User IDs

We are currently in the process of integrating all of our membership sites into a single hosted domain, with a single user name and password for you to use to access all your purchases on the domain.

As this is accomplished you will receive a personalized email with the link to the site and your user name and password.

Your user name will always be your primary email address. If you need to change your primary contact email address, this will also change your user name for every product you are registered for, if the site is on the domain.

You can change your primary contact email address (and user name) by submitting a ticket using the "Submit a Request" link in the top right corner of any page in the support desk.



Just like your user ID, you will have one password. We don't have a "reset password" functionality yet, as we are still in the process of integrating all the different sites. 

For now, if you need your password resent to you just open a ticket using the "Submit a Request" link in the top right corner of any page in the support desk.




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